Friday, March 23, 2007

Featuring: Kurt, Marelle, SirManfred

Hungry for wyrm?
Posted by Falingard on Friday, March 23, 2007, 6:30 PM

Comic Updated!
The Ferrett has written a largely positive review of Flaky Pastry, which also doubles as an editorial on the appeal and necessity of both serious comics and funny comics (I'll let you guess which category Flaky Pastry fits into), and the analysis thereof. This is the first review I've gotten, as in something more than one or two sentences, and not written by someone I know. And this is cool! So, thank you, The Ferrett! And as always, welcome to new readers! The comic is there for you, every friday night (saturday morning?), and you're more than welcome to post on the forum if you have comments!

Art, Character and story Copyright © Félix Lavallée 2005-2025