Friday, September 3, 2021

Featuring: Aiko, Alanil, Archimedes, Athena, Brunk, Claudia, Cryptos, EmperorLucyan, Korsh, Linoleon, Lumigardo, Nitrine, Parla, Polo, SULTAN, Suzeraine, Tapposh, Zacharet

Closing time
Posted by Falingard on Friday, September 3, 2021, 6:30 PM

This week, on Flaky pastry... it has to be the end now, right?

ASLO! Hey, maybe you follow my twitter and maybe not? Well, if that's your thing, over there this month I'm participating in #swordtember! Just drawing a sword everyday. And for added fun, I'm making them in the mold of Magic the Gathering's 'Sword of X and X' cycle (complete with a custom card because I'm like that).

Art, Character and story Copyright © Félix Lavallée 2005-2025