Friday, March 28, 2008

Featuring: Marelle, Prism

Feeling lucky?
Posted by Falingard on Friday, March 28, 2008, 6:30 PM

Comic Updated!
I was thinking, this would be a good opportunity to remind people about the Stuff button, up there in the nav bar! Why? Well, for one thing, I've had a handful of people leave messages on my deviantart gallery, dazed and amazed at finding me on that site! But the link has been in my Stuff section forever! I've actually been on deviantart longer than this comic has been going on.

Also! This week I've finally updated my side comic, Outrageous Teen Assassin Aiko, after almost a year of not doing so. And I've decided, I should probably link to it in Stuff, even though I link to each new page in my art blog, Jogging, as I post them (This is also Stuff that is linked). Before you read OTAA, you may want to read OCAA, Outrageous Child Assassin Aiko, the 24-hour comic of which OTAA is the sequel. There are even one or two more things of interest there - things that are not strictly Flaky Pastry related, but done by me nonetheless!

Notice how I didn't put any links in this whole entry? It's because I want you to check out the Stuff button!

Art, Character and story Copyright © Félix Lavallée 2005-2025