Monday, December 18, 2006

Featuring: Balourd, Camambar, Captain, Croissant, Cryptos, Daran, Excrementor, Gabriel, Kurt, Leslie, Marelle, Morgana, neighbour, Nitrine, Pliskin, racingchicks, Razor, Recruit, SirManfred, Zintiel

Croissant's Corner : Lip-smacking good!
Posted by Falingard on Monday, December 18, 2006, 10:00 PM

Comic Sort of Updated!

I don't have much to say here, because the comic literally speaks for itself! I could say, though, that this is not my 'Christmas Special', there will be an update this friday night/saturday morning as usual.

Also there is a new fanart!

Art, Character and story Copyright © Félix Lavallée 2005-2025